As DDR4 will only work in DDR4 compatible motherboards and DDR3 will only fit in DDR3 compatible motherboards. The DRAM modules have different shapes, and the pin-out will only fit on the mother board based on the recommend memory that the manufacturer. How can you tell the difference between speeds, DDR3, and DDR4? DDR RAM is capable of two data transfers per clock cycle, which gives the theoretical peak bandwidth of previous SDRAM while running at the same clock speed. This term came into use when the first Double Data Rate Ram modules arrived. The term “DDR” stands for Double Data Rate. Its important to understand the difference because computers only accept certain types of RAM based on Motherboard. A 2GB stick of DDR2 800 RAM is not the same thing as a 2GB stick of DDR3 1333 RAM. RAM is also available in variety of versions and speeds.
Yet, capacity is only one specification based on the computer. Many older PCs that feel sluggish can increase performance by adding more RAM or switching to higher capacity RAM. When the computer needs information and does not find it in the RAM, it then tries the hard drive to retrieve the data, which is a much slower process. RAM, or Random Access Memory, is your computer’s short term memory or cache. What is the difference between DDR3 and DDR4 RAM?